Sunday 8 November 2015

Android Studio Project Structure

Android Project Structure
In this blog i have explained Android project structure and file organization in detail, by creating a new Android project in Android Studio. When we start a new Android project in Android Studio, it will automatically creates a lot of files and folders for us. We will look at the meaning and functions of each of these folders in the Android project structure one by one.
You have to create a new Android project in Android Studio to see the project structure.Follow the below steps to create a project in Android Studio 

Open Android Studio

If you have only just installed the Android Studio, it will show you a window like this. Otherwise go to File-> New Project.

Installing Java JDK & Android Studio

This blog  is based on Windows platform as I’m currently developing on Windows. The setup procedure for Linux and Mac platforms don’t make much difference and all tools required are available for these platforms also. Make sure that you have a good internet speed and a good system(laptop or Desktop)
These are the components you require to setup your Android Studio

Saturday 7 November 2015

Understanding Android Studio

Before developing any app you need to understand the development tool's environment(IDE) to be efficient and effective  in your development.Lets get familiar with android studio:

Android Studio Overview
Android Studio is now the officially supported IDE by Google for Android development. This program is based on the JetBrains family of IDE's, so if you've used IntelliJ, PyCharms, or RubyMine, you'll find the user experience very familiar. Fortunately, this IDE is essentially a form of the IntelliJ Community Edition and made free for Android developers.

Monday 2 November 2015

Android Studio vs. Eclipse

                Android Studio vs Eclipse

Google’s Android Studio is a development tool for Android based on the IntelliJ IDEA platform, one that managed to attract a lot of hype when it rolled out in mid-2013. Roughly a year later, the platform is still in “early access preview,” and work on it is ongoing. 
Whereas Eclipse doesn’t offer native Android support, it does have some nice tools to help you build Android applications—one such tool is the Google Plugin for Eclipse, made by Google. So let’s compare Eclipse and its Google-made Google Plugin with Google’s own Android Studio, developed with the help of the people who make IntelliJ IDEA. 

For me Android Studio is better From Eclipse , following are the reasons and comparison  in 6 distinct areas:

Wednesday 18 March 2015

How To Create a Computer Graphics Game

Here is  a simple example of Computer Graphics game in Turbo c / Dosbox.

Go through the Following coding or download the complete coding by clicking Download.

Here are Some Snap Shots of the Game:


# include "process.h"
# include "dos.h"
# include "stdlib.h"
# include "graphics.h"
# include "stdio.h"

what is Aspect Ratio , DPI , Megapixel

Download complete File by clicking Download

Aspect Ratio:-

The aspect ratio of a geometric shape is the ratio between its sizes in different dimensions. For example, the aspect ratio of a rectangle is the ratio of its longer side to its shorter side - the ratio of width to height when the rectangle is oriented as a "landscape"......................................
Dots per inch (DPI, or dpi) is a measure of spatial printing or video dot density, in particular the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of 1 inch (2.54 cm). The metric alternative is dots per centimeter (dpcm)........................................

The term Megapixel refers to the size of the image usually in reference to a photo from a digital camera or a camera phone.

How to declare 100 random vectors of type uint8 in MATLAB

How to declare 100 random vectors of type uint8. The length of each vector should be 100. Randomly select one Vector with  all other 99 Vectors.Store the distances into new vector D.Sort the vector D in ascending order.Print the top 10 distance with their indexes.

You can call the coding directly in MATLAB by Downloading the following files and calling in MATLAB:

Android Studio Project Structure

Android Project Structure In this blog i have explained Android project structure and file organization in detail, by creating a new An...