Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to declare 100 random vectors of type uint8 in MATLAB

How to declare 100 random vectors of type uint8. The length of each vector should be 100. Randomly select one Vector with  all other 99 Vectors.Store the distances into new vector D.Sort the vector D in ascending order.Print the top 10 distance with their indexes.

You can call the coding directly in MATLAB by Downloading the following files and calling in MATLAB:



b = uint8(rand(100,100) * 100);
a = b(1:end,1); 
[y x] = size(b);
dis = zeros(1,x);

for i=1:x
c = b(:, i);
d = (a - c).^2;
dist(i) = sqrt(sum(d));

 I = find(E(1:10))

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